第一屆至十二屆道教節花絮回顧 (6)
The relation between Taoist culture and it’s beliefs
Seminar atHuachiew Chalermprakiet University
Samut Prakan, ThailandBy Master Leung Tak WahIntroductionI would like to thank the Taoist Hwa Kwong Temple and the Taoist Hwa Kwong Athletic Association 6th Anniversary celebration organising committee and the Huachiew Chalermprakiet University for the opportunity to share at this seminar, but I have to admit I have mixed feelings.Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist country. As a Taoist disciple, I am happy and honoured to be able to share about my beliefs and Taoist culture in an important academic institution like the Huachiew Chalermprakiet University.I am practicing Taoism for over thirty years, and I am ordained as a thirty second generation disciple of the Quanzhen Dragon Gate tradition. I followed my father since young at the Fung Ying Seen Koon, and became the second generation disciple of the temple. I am currently serving as the Tutor of Rites for the Fung Ying Seen Koon. Taoist knowledge is so vast and deep, and I indeed feel nervous and stressed sharing in front of so many university students and academia. I would appreciate if you could highlight and share with me if you disagree with any of my sharing.Taoism is the only indigenous religion of the Chinese, and it encompassed the wisdom of the ethnic Chinese civillisation and its culture and traditions. This year is also the 4710th year of the Taoist calendar.It is really a challenge to share about the Taoist beliefs and culture in an hour, therefore, I will be giving you a brief introduction to two topics. First, I shall share with you the relationship between the Tao (道), Taoist school of thought (道家), and the Taoist religion (道教). Finally, I will also share with you the significance and values depicted in Taoist rituals.(1) Tao, Taoist culture, and Taoist religionThe character “Tao” (道) existed since ancient times, and it signifies the source of the Universe, and the evolution of all creations. This is the origin and source of the Taoist school of thought and the Taoist religion. There are six main schools of thought in ancient China as mentioned in the Records of the Grand Historian (史記) by Sima Qian. Taoism (道家) is one of the six schools, including Confucianism (儒家), Legalism (法家), Mohism (墨家), Logicians (名家), and the School of Yin and Yang (陰陽家). The Five Pecks of Rice tradition (五斗米道) was the first Taoist religious movement established by Zhang Daoling in the late years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the movement comprised of twenty four dioceses.The Taoist school of thought and the Taoist religion complement one another and they are correlated. The Taoist school of thought is often regarded literally as “philosophical Taoism”, and the Taoist religion is regarded as “Religious Taoism”. The rituals and scriptures practiced in religious Taoism expressed many Taoist ideas and teachings, and these originated from the wisdom of the philosophers of the Taoist school of thought.I would like to cite the following example:The highest deities of the Taoist religion is the Three Pristine Ones, also known as “San Qing Dao-zu” (三清道祖).Presiding in the centre of the “San Qing” is the Primeval Lord of Heaven, or “Yuan-shi Tian-zun” (元始天尊), who held a round pearl in his hands, signifying the “Qi” (炁), or the Original vital breath of the Dao, which is the fundamental energy which existed even before the creation of Heavens and Earth. That is the known as the state of “Wu-ji” (無極).To the left of the “Yuan-shi Tian-zun” is “Ling-bao Tian-zun” (靈寶天尊), also known as the Heavely Lord of the Numinous Treasure. He held the Yin-yang mirror, which signifies the birth of the state of “Tai-ji” (太極) from “Wu-ji”. On the right of “Yuan-shi Tian-zun” is “Dao-de Tian-zun” (道德天尊), or the Heavenly Lord of Dao and its Virtue, also known as “Tai-shang Lao-jun” (太上老君). He holds a fan, symbolizing “liang-yi” (兩儀), or the two energies which symbolized Heavens and Earth.The image of the Three Pristine Ones, or “San Qin Dao-zu”, reflects the Taoist belief of “From one vital breath forms San Qing, the state of ‘Wu-ji’ evolved into “Tai-ji”, and from “Tai-ji” it developed into “liang-yi”, and from “liang-yi” froms all creations and things in the Universe. (一炁化三清,無極生太極,太極生兩儀,兩儀生萬物。) This also reflects the Taoist idea that “Dao” (道) embodies the Three Realms (三界) of Heavens (天), Earth (地), and Man (人), and “Dao” is the source and origin of all creations and objects.The Scripture of Peace and Tranquility (清靜經), Tai-shang Lao-jun (太上老君) expressed that “The Great Dao has no form, yet it forms Heaven and Earth; The Great Dao is unbiased, it governs the changes in the universe and the patterns of the sun and the moon; The Great Dao seeks no acknowledgment, yet it nurtures and provide for all creations; I don’t know the name of this numinous energy, but I named it “Dao” to make reference to it.” (大道無形,生育天地;大道無情,運行日月;大道無名,長養萬物;吾不知其名,強名約『道』。)The Taoist school of thought “Dao-ji”, or philosophical Taoism, regards the “Dao-de Jing” (道德經) by Lao-zi (老子), “Nan-hua Jing” (南華經) by Zhuang-zi (莊子), “Yin-fu Jing” by the Yellow Emperor (黃帝), and other philosophical classics as the sacred texts. These scriptures are fundamental for Taoists to cultivate themselves to assist others (修己度人). Taoists believe that “Tai-shang Lao-jun” came to the mortal world as “Lao-zi”, Zhuang-zi is styled “Perfect Man Nan-hua” (南華真人), and the Yellow Emperor is regarded as the ancestor of the Chinese people, and the ancestral patriarch of philosophical Taoism.Taoist religious beliefs of the immortals correlates to the philosophical teachings of Lao-zi. The Dao-de Jing mentions “The creation of Heaven and Earth evolves to all other creations in the Universe, and this is the greatness of Dao” (有物混成,先天地生,…強為之名曰大。). It also mentions that “Dao creates One, One creates Two, Two creates Three, and Three generates all creations and things in the Universe” (道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物。) Both verses explained that “Dao” is the state of “Wu-ji”, One is the “Tai-ji”, and Two is “liang-yi” (道是無極,一是太極,二是兩儀。), and it is a testament that Taoist philosophy and Taoist religion are both inter-related and both complementing each other.Both Philosophical and Religious Taoism believe that “Dao” is the fundamental belief. Taoists believe in the existence of the Three Realms – Heaven, Earth, and Man (天、地、人); and it includes the belief of the immortals and deities in the Heavenly Realm (天界), Spirits in the Earthly Realm (地界), and Man on the Mortal Realm (人界).How do Taoists view life and death? Taoists believe that birth and death is inevitable in all life forms (有生必有死). The exhibition of birth and death, fortune or misfortune, depends on the good actions and wrong doings of the individual. Taoists believe that one who is kind and compassionate will be blessed with longevity and good health, and those with evil intentions and harm others will be plagued with misfortune (善人得賜福長壽;惡人獲降禍厄困).Taoists believe in the heavenly deities and also the spirits. One who accumulates merits and does good will be able to attain the Dao, ascend the heavenly realms and free from all sufferings. Those who commit bad actions will be condemned to the netherworld and not be able to liberate from sufferings.(2) Taoist Rituals and Taoist PhilosophyTaoist RitualsTaoist Rituals are known as “ke-yi” (科儀), where “ke” (科) refers to the sacred scriptures, and “yi” (儀) refers to the ceremonies and etiquette of the liturgies. There are two main categoties for Taoist rituals, one for blessing the living (祈福), and another for the salvation of the dead from sufferings (度亡). The Taoist deities are also classified into Earlier Heaven Deities (先天神) and Latter Heaven Deities (後天神). Earlier Heavens Deities are formed by the vital breath of Dao, which includes the Three Pristine Ones (三清道祖), the Jade Emperor (昊天玉皇), the Five Venerable Sovereigns (五方五老), the Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery (太乙救苦天尊), etcetera. The Latter Heaven Deities were once mortals who practiced and cultivated to attain immortality, people who contributed greatly towards mankind or the country, and were conferred as deities by the Emperors or by the common people. Latter Heaven Deities include Celestial Master Zhang Daoling (張道陵天師), Patriarch Lu Dongbin (呂祖師), the Goddess of Mercy “Guan-yin” (觀音大士), Lord Guan (關帝), etcetera.Taoists believe in the existence of the Three Realms, naturally, they will seek the blessings from the heavenly deities to bestow blessings, ward off misfortune, pray for longevity and good health. The Li-dou ritual (禮斗科儀) is one such example to pray for good luck and fortune. Salvation rituals for the dead (度亡科儀) will be conducted to seek the heavenly deities pardon their sins, advocate the proper teachings and counsel the spirits to do good and forgo evil, and also allow the spirits to repent and seek forgiveness for the wrongdoings they had committed, so they may be delivered from the sufferings.Regardless of blessing or salvation rituals, they encompassed different sets of etiquette and protocols,and different type of setups for the altars. For example in blessing rituals, the altar will be decorated in red colour, including the ceremonial robes of the priests which will also be red in colour. As for rituals for the dead, plain colour such as white or yellow will be used in the set up of the ritual altar and the priests will also be dressed in robes which are white or yellow in colours. Most importantly, all the scriptures and text used in the rituals include praising of the deities and immortals, reminders to do good and stay away from evil, repent and turn over a new leaf, and to express gratitude and repay kindness. It guides all to do good and serve others.Taoist PhilosophyTaoist scriptures such as the “Dao-de Jing” (道德經) and “Yin-fu Jing” (陰符經) expressed the ideas of the regulations and laws of nature and the universe (自然定律), relationship and interactions between the five elements (五行變化為哲理), and taught man to learn from history. Teachings such as “wu-wei” (無為) and not striving with others, using gentleness to overcome aggressiveness (以柔克剛), embracement and living together harmoniously (包容共存), the opposing relations between the five elements (五行生克), changes and interactions between the Yin and the Yang (陰陽變化), and other ideologies to advise and inspire the practitioner. It allows mankind to understand and make sense of life and interactions in nature, cultivate oneself, unite the family, and also to govern the country. These ideas influence the beliefs of religious Taoism.SummaryI attempted to introduce the fundamental Taoist beliefs and the relationship between Philosophical Taoism and Religious Taoism in a simple manner, and hope you will pardon me for simplifying any ideas or teachings. I hope that we can have more oppurtunities to share our ideas and research into Taoist culture to achieve a harmonious society, and also world peace.Thank you. -
“Shen Chiang” will be commonly called as ‘the immortal ‘s or ‘the big body ‘s among the people.Gods tour of inspection celebration of all parts of Taiwan has a match and will move about, it is with peculiar enormous figure, posture chinning up and chest, walk before the main supernatural sedan-chairs of spirit, has all guided one of one burst of heads that people fixed one’s eyes on about equally when will have a match to meet the god all the time. ‘General Xie and Fan’ that know very well among them, call ‘Gi Ye, Ba Ye’ too, the situation of the tour of inspection can see all documents in Ching Dynasty to record even more wh en city god holds a memorial ceremony for the allusion quatation, it is historical and long-standing to show and lost in thought.
Touching upon the “Shen Chiang” will originate from, can date back to Ching Dynasty the area of Fujian. Make an appointment and move it while cultivating Taiwan with coastal residents of Ching Dynasty in I arge batches, active in the area of Fujian, belong to the many folk faith of Volkswagen, transplantation Taiwan thereupon too, and within the definition of city god, the Eastern Mountain big emperors dark department believe in subordinate to a ministry spirit that be ar that system spread out, the moving in Taiwan of the reason too, after this, after over one hundred years of development, becoming Taiwan solemnly has characteristic burst of heads most. ( text from web )
第一屆至十二屆道教節花絮回顧 (5)
乙酉年第五屆道教節由省善真堂統籌,以「和諧人生」為主題,「道教 – 土生土長的宗教」為副題。2005年3月24日在黃大仙祠鳳鳴樓舉行開幕禮。
道教音樂會是由香港著名的音樂指揮家邱少彬,及道教音樂家劉紅博士親自指揮。而以「道教 – 土生土長的宗教」的道教專題講座,目的是透過講座令廣大市民能認識道教由黃帝,老子開始,歷數千年的綿長發展,以至今日的精神面貌。
參與道教日成立暨第13屆香港道教節的巡遊隊伍簡介 (1)
第一屆至十二屆道教節花絮回顧 (4)
[show_avatar [email protected] align=right avatar_size=90]เหลาจื้อ (เล่าจื้อ) แซ่หลี่ชื่อตัวว่าเอ่อร์ ฉายาเปอะหยาง หรือตัน (เหลาตัน) เป็นคนอำเภอขู่รัฐฉู่ (ปัจจุบันคือเมืองลู่อี้ในมณฑลเหอ หนาน) เกิดในช่วงหลังยุคชุนชิว (ประมาณก่อนคริตศักราชปี 571) ท่านเคยรับราชการเป็นบรรณารักษ์ ที่หอสมุดหลวงของราชวงศ์โจว เหลาจื้อมีอายุมากกว่าขงจื้อประมาณ 20 ปี ในเวลานั้นขงจื้อเคยเรียนถามพิธีกรรมกับเหลาจื้อในสมัยราชวงศ์โจว เมื่อกลับมายังประเทศหลู่ได้ยกย่องเหลาจื้อกับนักเรียนว่า “ท่านเหลาจื้อที่เราพบนั้นดุจเทพเจ้ามังกรเห็นหัวไม่เห็นหาง ความรู้ของท่านนั้นลึกล้ำยากที่หยั่งวัดได้ นับเป็นครูของเราอีกท่านหนึ่ง”
เมื่อราชวงศ์โจวถึงยุคเสื่อมโทรม เหลาจื้อลาออกจากราชการมุ่งหน้าไปทางทิศตะวันตกผ่านด่าน”หานกู่”เข้าสู่ประเทศฉีน นายด่านชื่ออินซี่ขอร้องให้หยุดพักที่ด่านเพื่อเขียนหนังสือปรัญชาแห่งชีวิต ท่านจึงได้เขียนหนังสือชื่อว่า “เหลาจื้อ” ขึ้นมา 1 เล่มมีอักษรทั้งหมด 5,000 คำ ต่อมาเรียกว่าคัมภีร์“เต้าเตอะ” หลังจากนั้นไม่มีใครทราบบั้นปลายของชีวิตท่านเลย เหลาจื้อคือนักคิดและนัก ปรัญชาที่ยิ่งใหญ่คนหนึ่งของจีน เป็นต้นกำเหนิดของปรัญชาเต๋า ต่อมาถูกยกย่องให้เป็นต้นตระกูลแซ่ลี้ของฮ่องเต้ในสมัยราชวงศ์ถัง แล้วถูกฮ่องเต้ราชวงศ์ถังแต่งตั้งให้เป็นเทพแห่งเทพเจ้า (ไท่ซ่างเหลาจวิน) เป็นหนึ่งในร้อยของผู้มีชื่อเสียงด้านวัฒนธรรมในประวัติศาสตร์โลก ผลงานที่เป็นแก่นสำคัญมากที่สุดคือเหตุความเรียบง่าย สนับสนุนปกครองโดยไม่ปกครอง ซึ่งหลักคำสอนดังกล่าวเป็นรากฐานต่อการพัฒนาปรัชญาอันลึกซึ้งของจีนมาอย่างยาวนาน จึงถูกยกย่องให้เป็นศาสดาแห่งศาสนาเต๋า
เหลาจื้อใช้คำว่า “เต๋า” อธิบายถึงการเปลี่ยนแปลง(พัฒนาการ)ของสรรพสิ่งในจักรวาล มีแนวคิดว่า”เต๋ากำเหนิดหนึ่ง หนึ่งกำเหนิดสอง สองกำเหนิดสามและสามกำเหนิดสรรพสิ่ง” เต๋าก็คือ”ชีวิตแห่งวิถีธรรมชาติ” เพราะ ”คนเคารพกฏของดิน ดินเคารพกฏของฟ้า ฟ้าเคารพกฏของเต๋าและเต๋าเคารพกฏของธรรมชาติ” “เต๋าเป็นการมองกฎแห่งธรรมชาติอย่างเป็นกลาง มีความเป็นอิสระ มั่นคงไม่เปลี่ยนแปลงและการปฏิบัติอย่างสม่ำเสมอโดยไม่ย่อท้อ” คือความหมายอันเป็นนิรันดร์
香港六宗教領袖 2013年(癸已年)新春賀詞
第一屆至十二屆道教節花絮回顧 (3)
Introduction to Lao zi
Lao zi, name Li Er, the word ‘Bo Yang’, also name Lao Dan. was born in about around BC 571 the later period of spring and autumn (Chunqiu period ), Chu state Ku county (now Henan LuYi). Had done Zhou dynasty keep hidden chamber of history, in charge of the royal scheme. His about more than twenty years old greater than Confucius, Confucius had to zhou dynasty asked him ritual, back after Lu state to his students say: I see Lao tze, like be secretive in one, knowledge deep and unpredictable, it is my teacher!
Zhou dynasty decline, Lao zi resign the goverment post then from west going to ‘han-gu-guan’ into the qin state, the defend of gate duty officials name YinXi ask for stay. Written have the “Lao zi” five thousand words, also called the “Tao Te Ching”. Then his “Left vanish into thin air”.
Was China ancient times a great philosopher and thinker, founder of the Taoist school. By the Tang dynasty emperor after think those named ‘Li’ account ancestor, and be Tang emperor Wu after sealing for the very high lord (Tai Shang lao jun). Is the world cultural celebrities, the world one hundred celebrities. His opus essence is simplicity dialectics, opinion govern by doing nothing that goes against nature, the theory to the development of Chinese philosophy has a profound effect. His is be honored as Taoism ancestor.“Lao zi” with ‘way’ to explain the evolution of the universe, that the tao bring forth one, one bring forth two, two bring forth three, three bring for all things on earth. ‘Tao’ is ‘the life command and often nature’. Human being way to earth, earth way to heaven, heaven way to Tao, Tao way to natural rule. ‘Tao as the objective laws of nature, but also has a independent don’t change, go not almost’ eternal significance.
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